Advance Directives

Formal advance directives are documents that state your choices for healthcare. Advance directives allow you to make known your wishes regarding the medical care you do or do not want to receive if you become too sick to speak for yourself.

Procedures in an ambulatory care setting are generally performed to enhance or improve the patient’s quality of life; therefore, it is our policy that if you suffer a cardiac or respiratory arrest or other life-threatening situations, resuscitative measures will be initiated and you will be transferred to a hospital. At the hospital, further treatments or withdrawal of treatment measures will be exercised in accordance with your advance directive.

The Surgery Center respects your right to make decisions regarding your medical care. If you present an advance directive at the time of your admission, a copy will be made and become a part of your medical record and will be transferred with you to a hospital, if a higher level of care should be required. If you disagree with this policy, please address this issue with your physician prior to your procedure.